The usage of the Tengas as this season's minions is more similar to the usage of the the Bird Ninjas Karasutengu of Metal Heroes series Sekai Ninja Sen Jiraiya than the original minions of Kakuranger, the Dorodoros.The costumes for the Tenga Warriors are actually the Tengu Warriors costumes from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie, though redesigned with a more unkempt and messy appearance.The Tenga Warriors, along with their MMPR: TM counterparts, Professor Longnose from Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers, and his Ninja Sentai Kakuranger counterpart are based on the Tengu a creature that is part of Japanese Mythology.They have black manes of feathers around their necks.

Their fluffy feathers are black in color, covered by their dark purple breastplates and shin guards. The Tenga Warriors are large anthropomorphic birds. The Tengas were voiced by uncredited voice actors and portrayed by a team of suit actors which consisted of: When at Piggy's restaurant, the Tenga was about to be served its order by Piggy until the Rangers' arrival scared it and the patrons away.
TV STORY- Flashes Of DarkondaĪ Tenga Warrior was seen at Piggy's restaurant in the year 2025. TV STORY- From Out of NowhereĪ few Tengas appeared on Onyx. The fight ended in a stalemate, leaving both groups of villains disappointed at their minions' incompetence.Ī few Tengas appeared at Dark Specter's gathering. Rita and Zedd dispatched Tengas to confront the Machine Empire, who countered with their own Cogs. The last major appearance of the Tenga Warriors occurred in the Power Rangers Zeo finale " Good As Gold". This made them more deadly, forcing the Rangers to fight with their new Metallic Armor and rendering the Ninja Ranger powers obsolete. When Master Vile arrived, he gave the Tengas special seeds. Despite this, they were, in practice, no more intelligent than their predecessors. The Tengas were the first Power Rangers foot soldiers to speak fluent English, something that is not often seen to this day. The Rangers usually defeated them in their Ninja Ranger forms, but sometimes fought them morphed, like the Putties.

He later forgot what they were until Rita counted to ten as a warning to remember, but she was ecstatic to receive such a gift when she found them. These ferocious birds challenged the Rangers in battle, taking the place of the Putty Patrollers. When Rito Revolto arrived on the moon, he buried the eggs in the moon's sandy surface so they could hatch in the perfect environment. However, the repeated defeats given to them by the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers would later prove this to be untrue. The Tenga are said to be the fiercest warriors in the universe.